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Showing dreams 0 through 32.
(78 total) Name Caption Welcome/Entry Text Hub


Max. Standard


# Name Caption Population Standard Hub Last Seen
1 Visit this Dream! Snowside PeakOwner: Peep
Contact: whisper me in-game or through discord!
Description: Since late 2006 we have the same management and ownership, in case you remember us! SSP is a close personal project based in places I've lived in, but is otherwise themed on sled dog racing and RP opportunities of human and domestic animals, and wildlife interactions.
Entrytext: ? Welcome to SSP! Please note we are still a work in progress, and we may reupload unexpectedly. Check out our website for more information, use [!commands], or the menu buttons above the chat window. Sound & music enabled #SM [!allchat] enabled #Sg Welcome! We are sound and music enabled. Our commands can be accessed by using !commands or by clicking the !commands button between the game screen and text chat. Please note the detailed dream changelog can be accessed from our Discord server (use !contact in-dream for links!). Speech processing enabled in this dream.
15 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:36
2 Visit this Dream! Allegria IslandOwner:
Entrytext: Allegria Island is an acropolis scattered with the remains of ancient temples to the Primes. This place is especially rich in Dream energy. Just find an arch you like, and press Ctrl-T to upload your Dream. This is a T+ environment. Use F3 to move between multiple points around the Dream.
13 T+ 2025-02-10 12:07:01
3 Visit this Dream! Anime ClubOwner:
Entrytext: This dream is roleplay optional. Please respect those that choose to engage in roleplay and vice versa. Welcome to the Anime Club, a place for all fans of Japanese anime, manga, videogames, pop culture, etc. Enjoy your stay and please follow the rules. Say "!commands" for our commands. This dream design version is 2014: Magical Girl Fairy Castle. The current main hangout areas are the !clubhouse and !bar. Discord invitations issued upon request.
Kawaii 11 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:08:47
4 Visit this Dream! Mystic HomesOwner: Iced
Contact: Iced
Description: Mystic Homes is Furcadia's longest running build a home, featuring spacious empty lots allowing for full customization of your dream house!
Entrytext: Welcome to Mystic Homes! Click the Need Help? button if you need assistance. See the last two tabs for !commands. Lots are self service. Click Buy Lot to claim one! Speech processing enabled in this dream.
Winter 11 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:13
5 Visit this Dream! Shingen TakedaOwner:
Entrytext: DreamNova has arrived in the dream.
Shingen's Dream 10 E8+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:32
6 Visit this Dream! kasumi1990Owner:
Entrytext: DreamNova has entered and come to enjoy the dream #SA
kasumi1990 purple kitty wonderland 8 T+ Naia Green 2025-02-10 12:01:50
7 Visit this Dream! Naia GreenOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to Naia Green, the Community Center! Naia is a T+ Environment for new and experienced furres to learn new things, meet friends, help others and join groups. Naia Green is a friendly and safe place. Please keep your behavior newfurre friendly and helpful. Use F3 to move around the dream.
6 T+ 2025-02-10 12:01:42
8 Visit this Dream! Kingdom of CaringOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome DreamNova to The Kingdom of Caring! A Carebear Family based dream! This Dream is a WIP and will hopefully have all regions and aspects we can create for Care-a-lot and The Forest of Feelings! Please stay tuned! Say !commands for a list of commands! DreamNova has entered the Dream.
Home of the Care Bear Family 4 E8+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:08:27
9 Visit this Dream! Meovanni VillageOwner:
Entrytext: Meovanni is for friendly conversations and Persona Play - free-form "Let's Pretend" with just one rule, The Consent Rule: If someone else pretends something has happened to you, you don't have to play along unless you want to. If you don't, just ignore it and act like it never happened to you. Thanks! Use F3 to move between multiple points around the dream.
4 T+ 2025-02-10 12:00:43
10 Visit this Dream! Verdant HomesOwner: Jesslyn and Joe
Contact: Jesslyn
Description: Work in progress!
Entrytext: Welcome to Verdant Homes! We're a large work in progress, but please feel free to stick around and explore. Say !commands to access all the commands for the dream. This list is being updated as we add on. We also have a group and some socials that you can access through the !socials command! Speech processing enabled in this dream.
Winter 4 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:20
11 Visit this Dream! VincaOwner:
Entrytext: You're back in the Vinca Nexus again, the heart of Furcadia. You can reach many main areas from here.
4 T+ 2025-02-10 12:06:57
12 Visit this Dream! D0G POUNDOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to Dog Pound! Speech processing enabled in this dream.
3 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:40
13 Visit this Dream! KagomeOwner:
Entrytext: ❝ RPR WIP ❞ ❝ Say &commands for dream commands and transports.
yashahime isn't canon 3 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:09:33
14 Visit this Dream! The HavenOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to our place of the past! Keep it peaceful here! (NO adds, Dream urls, digo or alt begging & harrasement of others) more info read the Charter at http://www.odelik.net/haven/ To visit the shrine use @shrine, commands: @commands, @kitter, @wolf, or @me turns you back. MB http://furre.info/forum/
Winter 3 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:08:58
15 Visit this Dream! The WorldOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome, user, to The World, a roleplaying dream based on the MMORPG of the same name from the multimedia series ".Hack". Say "!commands" for available commands and things to do.
.hack//SIGN 3 T+ Imaginarium 2025-02-10 12:01:30
16 Visit this Dream! angel moonlightOwner:
Moonlight and Moonkitty hang out 2 T+ Naia Green 2025-02-10 12:01:54
17 Visit this Dream! Dry LakeOwner:
Entrytext: [DN-ID] [Owner: Alpha North] [Contact: Alpha North] [Desc: Welcome to the Dry Lake pack territory! Dry Lake is a Pack for all paranormals, anthro, human or feral dream. DreamNova has arrived in the dream. Welcome to the Dry Lake pack territory! Dry Lake is a Pack for all paranormals, anthro, human or feral. Our dream owner is Alpha North please feel free to contact him for more dream information. This dream is ever changing and constantly being re-uploaded for fixes and changes! This version of the dream is the Community Center, it is the main focal point and gathering spot for the Dry Lake Pack. Please read the rules board located by the pond in the outdoor area! (If the alt Dry Lake or staff members/owners are online, but not in the dream it means you're in a ghost dream.) Speech processing enabled in this dream.
Community Center Winter 2024 2 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:24
18 Visit this Dream! Duelist Kingdom GXOwner:
2 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:09
19 Visit this Dream! FirestoemOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to The Digo Resort! ^^ Build a home, live in it as a digo! For a list of commands say [!commands] to get a house, please visit desk to your northeast. Or feel free to claim one! To see whats new say !news You currently do not have a satchel.Talk to the wolf at the desk to get one. DreamNova has entered. Speech processing enabled in this dream.
The Digo Resort 2 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:08:11
20 Visit this Dream! Lost LakesOwner:
2 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:09:02
21 Visit this Dream! Scurrys forest homeOwner:
2 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:10:12
22 Visit this Dream! Silver Sponsor ShowcaseOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to the Silver Sponsor's Showcase! Everyfurre is welcome here in this lush jungle dream. Sponsors may upload to the portals by choosing their gem color with F3 on the portals and then facing for the control-t upload. Be sure to take a ride on a friendly turtle while you are here. For more info on becoming a sponsor, go to http://www.furcadia.com/digomarket (Dream by Gemedet, Ryhn, Zephyr and others.) Welcome to the Silver Sponsor's Showcase! Everyfurre is welcome here in this lush jungle dream. Sponsors may upload to the portals by choosing their gem color with F3 on the portals and then facing for the control-t upload. Be sure to take a ride on a friendly turtle while you are here. For more info on becoming a sponsor, go to http://www.furcadia.com/digomarket (Dream by Gemedet, Ryhn, Zephyr and others.)
2 T+ 2025-02-10 12:02:22
23 Visit this Dream! Adlehyde CastleOwner:
Entrytext: Wild Arms 1 for PS1.
Filgaia 1 T+ Imaginarium 2025-02-10 12:01:27
24 Visit this Dream! Ansteorra KingdomOwner:
Feanor Continuity 1 T+ Imaginarium 2025-02-10 12:01:18
25 Visit this Dream! Challenge ResortOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to Furcadia! You're in the Challenge Resort. Type in the textbox at the bottom of your screen to talk to people around you. Move with the arrow keys, or 1, 3, 7 and 9 on the numpad. To learn about Furcadia bump into signs, you'll even earn a free cookie! Find an NPC to play a game, or just walk around and explore! Speech processing enabled in this dream.
1 T+ 2025-02-10 12:02:10
26 Visit this Dream! HootOwner:
Entrytext: Yeah... Leave for now... But don't worry, when you come back I'll be waiting with a bat. That's too bad. I didn't find the sacrifice worthy. DreamNova has arrived to visit The Hoot.
In Memorium 1 E8+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:10:04
27 Visit this Dream! Order of the Wolf (AI)Owner:
Entrytext: Welcome to the Order of the Wolf! We are now located in FurN, come visit us! Order of the Wolf
1 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:09:49
28 Visit this Dream! Rabiez The InfectedOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to the VEL...X Yes.. The Vex; As the large, beaten neon sign above the door read! Home to Truely Apathetic Folk, and run by one very outer-wordly fella currently! We have lockable rooms. Please be Respectful. Logs are mailed at normal postage rate too us. If you disobey these rules, you will be on temporary banishment from cookies, and possibly your time here. Also, the website is now up and running, though it is under construction after being BURNT TO THE GROUND, so don't do there.
Formally known as The VEL. 1 T+ Imaginarium 2025-02-10 12:01:34
29 Visit this Dream! Realms of NovusOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to Realms of Novus! The dream is currently under major WIP; to see a preview of areas currently or mostly completed you can use the commands !town and !oc. As well as the first major avatar being !korgin. Whisper Realms|of|Novus or Elixir for more information about Novus and how to join up as an official member for canon RP! Join our Group Here! >> The skin is currently in test mode with the HP & MP bar showing varying degrees of health and magic. >> Credits: Zarry (Skin, Ports + OOC, IC, Exterior Patches), James (Avatars) & Bramblebean (Interior Patches) COMMANDS: !stats !become warrior !become ranger !become mage !become bard !become cleric
Feral RPG - WIP 1 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:09:22
30 Visit this Dream! SanctuaryOwner:
Entrytext: #Ss Sanctuary #Ss (The Dream of The Circle) Welcome to Sanctuary.
1 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:10:08
31 Visit this Dream! Seahorse CoffeeOwner:
Entrytext: Welcome to Seahorse Coffee! This dream is unfinished and not everything may work as intended yet, but you're free to explore all you like. :3 Just know that all data stored in this dream is liable to be deleted at any time until it's finished! OoOoOo! Please note that this dream makes use of kitterspeak animations, so you may want to turn them on if they're not! ;P Say !commands to see commands, and see the info board by the register for more info!
Cafe & Hangout 1 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:08:23
32 Visit this Dream! Watery GraveOwner:
Entrytext: The time is 6:07:04 AM. (!info, !commands) Welcome visitor number 4. Speech processing enabled in this dream.
Funworld 1 T+ Allegria Island 2025-02-10 12:07:05


On the last pass, 323 people were seen of a reported 381. 158 of those seen were AFK. 155 dreams were submitted out of 188 seen.

Title image by Daiktana